Thursday, December 30, 2010

AMCOW AFRICASAN AWARDS 2010 : Recognizing sanitation and hygiene achievements in Africa

Publication date : 06 October 2010

Thematic : Water Ressource Management

Geographic area : * Africa

By Kabou Kambou Kadio ( - CREPA

The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) working with the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), the African Development Bank (ADB), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and UNICEF is pleased to announce the second round of the AMCOW AfricaSan Awards.

What are the AMCOW AfricaSan Awards?

The AMCOW AfricaSan Awards are dedicated to recognizing outstanding efforts and achievements in sanitation and hygiene in Africa which result in large-scale, sustainable behaviour changes and tangible impacts.
They aim at raising the profile of sanitation and hygiene by drawing attention to successful approaches, promoting excellence in leadership, innovation and sanitation and hygiene improvements in Africa, and providing incentives for action beyond 2008 - the International Year of Sanitation.

The awards cover four sub-regions in Africa: Eastern Africa, Western and Northern Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa. They are open to all individuals and institutions working in the sanitation and hygiene sector from countries of each award region. These include regulatory and oversight bodies, ministries, local governments, civil society and training/research institutions, the private sector, the media and schools.

The awards seek to honour institutions and individuals:
- whose contributions to national policy have had significant impact on large-scale improvements in sanitation and hygiene
- who are involved in service provision whose exemplary service has contributed to improved sanitation and hygiene
- who inspire action and foster the achievements of others; or, through innovation/good practice, influence sanitation and hygiene improvements in their communities
- Whose direct involvement or significant support of sanitation and hygiene initiatives has led to significant, large-scale improvements.
- Whose commitment and outstanding contributions to improving the state of sanitation and hygiene initiatives has led to significant improvements at the local, national or regional level.

The first round of the awards was held at the Gallagher Convention Centre Johannesburg, South Africa on the 12th of November 2009 during the Second Africa Water Week.
Winners emerged and were honoured for achievements and outstanding contributions to uplifting the profile of sanitation in different fields.
In this second round the following categories of the awards will be considered:

To honour public institutions or individuals whose contributions to national policy have had significant impact on large-scale improvements in sanitation and hygiene.
Nominees may include public officials at all levels; or Ministries, State Corporations and government departments with policy or oversight role in the hygiene and sanitation subsectors.

To honour women for their commitment and outstanding contributions to improving the state of sanitation and hygiene.

• Grassroots Champion Award:
To honor individuals for their commitment and outstanding contributions to improving the state of sanitation and hygiene at the local, national or regional level;
or who have significantly influenced the thinking and behavior of others.
Nominees may include opinion leaders, activists, local officials, elders, and grassroots organizers.

Nomination guidelines

You may nominate yourself or another individual or institution. Entries may be made by individuals or organizations based within or outside Africa.

Nominations should include the name and contact details of the nominee, and a short statement (no more than 500 words) about their work and why they deserve the award.

The nominees must be involved in sanitation and hygiene-related activities within Africa.

Nomination forms are available at

Nominations should be sent to

Submissions may be in English or French and should be received by the 15th of October, 2010.

For more information please visit or call Thompson Abu (Mobile +234-803-311-9493;
Tel. +234-9-7800440) or email

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Kenya: Kisii town to benefit from water and sanitation programme

Posted on December 16, 2010 by westerhof| Leave a comment

A Stakeholders Workshop held in Kisii Town last month endorsed a roadmap to design and implement a major water and sanitation development programme for the town, which will build on investments already completed under the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative.

UN-HABITAT will provide pre-investment capacity building under the Initiative and the Global Water Operators Partnership Alliance to design the Progamme and strengthen the institutional capacity of the local service provider to enable the Government of Kenya to access funding from interested development partners, including the German Development Bank (KfW) and the private sector.

Kisii is an important urban and commercial centre in south-western Kenya and its development has long been constrained by a lack of effective urban planning and poor infrastructure. UN-HABITAT, through the Initiative has assisted in providing a strategic urban plan for the town and in expanding access to water, sanitation and solid waste management services.

These interventions have been complemented by training and capacity building for the Gusii Water Company as well as a number of pre-investment studies to lay the groundwork for a long term water and sanitation development programme. The work carried out under LVWATSAN has attracted the interest of potential development partners, including KfW and USAID.

The Stakeholders Workshop was attended by over 50 participants drawn from the Government of Kenya, the local authorities, the Gusii Water Company, UN-HABITAT and its Consultants, the Multi-Stakeholder Forum, representing the community-based organizations and the media.

In his remarks to officially open the workshop, the Representative of the Regional Commissioner Mrs. Lydia Muriuki noted that while service delivery in the town had improved with support provided under the Initiative, there is now a need to develop a consensus among the stakeholders on the main elements of a long term water and sanitation strategy for the town, including an agreed action plan and time frame.

The workshop benefited from a number of presentations from UN-HABITAT staff and consultants which highlighted the investment gaps in water and sanitation in the town, the results of studies carried out and the areas of possible assistance.

In endorsing a way forward, the Stakeholders agreed that there was a need to consolidate the various studies and proposals into a comprehensive Business and Investment Plan for water and sanitation development, which should address key constraints, including the expansion of the network to extend service to the entire town and the peri-urban areas, construction of a mini-hydro scheme, development of groundwater resources and further capacity enhancement for the service provider. UN-HABITAT was requested to provide assistance to prepare the updated Business and Investment Plan, which will then be submitted to KfW and other interested donors with priority being given to the construction of the mini-hydro project to reduce energy costs and maximize the utilization of clean energy.

Source: UN-HABITAT, 14 December 2010

Ghana: first National Environmental Sanitation Conference takes place in Kumasi

Posted on December 21, 2010 by dietvorst| Leave a comment

The government should set up a revolving fund for Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) initiatives, in collaboration with Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) and local government. This was one of the recommendations from Ghana’s first National Environmental Sanitation Conference (NESCON).

The conference was held in Kumasi from 8-10 December in Kumasi, Ashanti Region. The theme was “building partnerships for scaling up improved environmental sanitation services”, covering both solid waste management and household sanitation.

The conference presented, among others, highlights of the Environmental Sanitation Policy (Revised 2010), the National Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan (NESSAP) and the Strategic Environmental Sanitation Investment Plan (SESIP) and District Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plans (DESSAPs).

NESCON 2010 was organised by the Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate (EHSD) of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) in partnership with Development Partners (DPs), Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), Private Operators and others.

Read the concluding statement and recommendations and all presentations.

Source: Abu Wambei, RCN Ghana, 18 Dec 2010